How ALO works?
Note: Please refer to the memorandum of registration (bye-laws) for complete details on how ALO works. Read ALO bye-laws here.
1. To strengthen the professional networking among the optometry alumni of
L V Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI).
2. To foster solidarity to ensure continuous engagement within the alumni and with
the parent organization(s), LVPEI and/or Bausch and Lomb School of Optometry (BLSO).

Chapters under ALO
In order to promote and safeguard the interests of graduates from different origins such as Optometry Fellows from LVPEI and alumni of Bausch and Lomb School of Optometry (BLSO), the ALO will have two chapters:
Fellows chapter: Candidates graduated from LVPEI by completing Diploma in
Ophthalmic Techniques (DOT) or a one year/two year optometry fellowship
BLSO chapter: Candidates graduated from BLSO from BS Optometry
program,or DOT.
The members of the Governing Board shall be selected from each chapter detailed in section 4.3 of the bye-laws and the positions will be interchanged in the following term.
Membership types
Member: is open to all optometrists graduated from LVPEI or BLSO as defined under sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 in the bye-laws. A candidate shall be considered as member once they have paid the membership as detailed in section 4.5.1 or 4.5.3 in the bye-laws.
Honorary member: Persons whom the Governing Board of the ALO decides to honour by extending the membership shall be treated as honorary members.
Membership fees
A lifetime member shall pay a subscription of Rs10,000/- as onetime fee. If there are any special subscriptions as and when decided by the Governing Body should be paid, as directed.
Constitution of ALO administration
Governing Body: It is the supreme decision making body of ALO and the members of this board are elected by the members of the ALO. (Who are current Governing Body members?). At the inception of ALO, the Governing Body members were elected unanimoulsy by the founding members who had been working on the formation of an alumni association for quite a number of years. However, formal elections will be conducted as the current body completes its first term.
Executive Body: It is the committee that implements the decisions made by the Governing Board. (Who are current Executive Body members?)
All members of Governing body and Executive body are elected by the registered members of ALO. The above positions shall hold office for three years.
All proposals placed before the Governing Board for decision shall be determined by a 2/3 majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the President shall cast the deciding vote.