Sandhya Shekar graduated from Bausch & Lomb School of Optometry (now Brien Holden Institute of Optometry & Vision Sciences) in 2009. She worked with Essilor India Pvt. Ltd. and India Vision Institute before moving to the States for pursuing her Masters in Vision Sciences in 2018. She graduated from Pacific University College of Optometry, Oregon in 2020 and is currently working with Dr. Elizer Peli at Schepens Eye Research Institute, Massachusetts Eye & Ear, Harvard Medical School, Boston. Sandhya is an avid reader, sporadic writer, humorist, hodophile, environmentalist and a science enthusiast. Besides vision science research, she practices science communication on social media and has written several articles demystifying some crucial concepts of vision science. She also hosts a science podcast called "Nothing is Rocket Science" on Youtube to provide a platform for scientists, innovators, educators & science communicators from varied branches of science and technology to communicate their work or interests to the general audience. Feel free to reach out to her at sandhyaoptm@gmail.com/ https://twitter.com/iyerishcoffee.